A note on situation calculus
Situation calculus , LTS model , Modal logic, Knowledge representationAbstract
Situation calculus is a logical language for expressing change. Situations, actions, and fluents are the three core ideas of situation calculus. As agents perform actions, the dynamic environment changes from one situation to another. Fluents are functions that change with the situations and describe the effects of actions. They can be seen as properties of the world that come into existence when an action is initiated and disappear when another action ends. While situation calculus is powerful, it often struggles with complexity and verbosity when modeling dynamic systems, which can make it challenging to manage and reason about in large-scale settings. To address these limitations, we propose using Labelled Transition Systems (LTS). The LTS model, based on graph models of modal logic, offers a more concise and formal representation of system behaviors. The LTS-based method aims to provide a simpler and more intuitive framework for modeling dynamic settings, thereby improving system representation clarity and efficiency. This allows for higher scalability and more efficient verification and validation processes, which are critical in complex systems. Finally, the LTS model seeks to bridge the theoretical expressiveness of situation calculus with the practical requirements of system design and analysis.
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