A Study on Triangular Fuzzy Clustering Model ‎Under Uncertainty


  • Appasamy Saraswathi Department of Mathematics


Fuzzy clustering model, Uncertainty, Cluster analysis, Fuzzy numbers


This paper will study a triangular fuzzy clustering model. Clustering or cluster analysis incorporates assigning data centers to clusters to make things in a similar gathering equivalent to normal in light of the current situation. In contrast, things with a spot with different clusters are as various as sensibly normal. In this study, since the problems faced by transgender people are fuzzy in nature, we have used fuzzy models to analyze their problems and cluster them in order of their weightage. This paper has four sections. Section one gives an introduction to the problem. The basics of the Triangular Fuzzy Clustering model are in section two. Section three deals with the application of the model in determining the cluster of problems under the three categories viz, 'low,' 'moderate,' and 'high.' The final section gives the conclusion and suggestions based on the result.


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How to Cite

A Study on Triangular Fuzzy Clustering Model ‎Under Uncertainty. (2024). Uncertainty Discourse and Applications, 1(1), 20-28. https://uda.reapress.com/journal/article/view/19

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