Convexity Cum Concavity on Refined Fuzzy Set with Some Properties


  • Muhammad Arshad Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore 54000, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Saeed Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore 54000, Pakistan.
  • Atiqe Ur Rahman Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore 54000, Pakistan.


Refined fuzzy set‎, Concave refined fuzzy set, Convex refined fuzzy set, Ortho-concave refined fuzzy set, Ortho-convex refined fuzzy set


Smarandache refined fuzzy sets to handle an object's sub-membership degrees. Applications for fuzzy convexity are ‎numerous and include pattern recognition, optimization, and related issues. By taking into account a more precise ‎definition of fuzzy sets, these applications can be handled more effectively. This paper uses theoretical and analytical ‎techniques to construct the novel idea of convexity cum concavity on refined fuzzy sets. The convex (concave) fuzzy ‎sets proposed by Zadeh [1], [2] and Chaudhuri [3], [4] are extended in this work. Some of its significant findings are ‎also generalizable.‎


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How to Cite

Convexity Cum Concavity on Refined Fuzzy Set with Some Properties. (2024). Uncertainty Discourse and Applications, 1(1), 140-150.

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