Effective Q – Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets and Its Some Properties


  • Zeynep Başer Kilis 7 Aralik University
  • Vakkas Uluçay Kilis 7 Aralik University


fuzzy soft expert set, Q- fuzzy soft expert set, Effective Q-fuzzy soft expert set


In 2023, Alkhazaleh [25] introduced the concept of the effective fuzzy soft expert set (EFSES) as a new mathematical tool to address uncertain problems in decision-making and medical diagnosis. The virtue of this concept is its adaptability to deal with uncertain problems involving external effects. However, some uncertain decision-making problems, especially those with external effects, must be judged by several experts. To this end, this paper extends the concept of EFSES to the concept of an effective Q-fuzzy soft expert set (EQFSES). The concept of QFSES is further extended to include the operations of union, intersection, AND and OR using De Morgan’s Law. Definitions and propositions on these operations are introduced.






How to Cite

Effective Q – Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets and Its Some Properties. (2024). Uncertainty Discourse and Applications. https://uda.reapress.com/journal/article/view/32